Our world faces many challenges which will affect our generation and the next. Birmingham In Action is helping to tackle five of them: access to education, migration, youth mental health, the environment and cancer research.
We brought together staff, students and alumni to share which of these challenges they care about the most in our campaign launch video.
Click on the photos below to find out why students, staff and alumni care so much.

Dave Sellars, English with Year Abroad Student
I care about everyone getting an education because it opens up so many opportunities.

Jessica Cooper, College Alumni Relations Manager
I care about protecting our planet because I want my children and grandchildren after that to grow up in a habitable world.

James Mason and Emily Owen, Student Wellbeing and Partnership Officers
We care about young people’s mental health because it affects everyone and anyone. It’s important that we remove the stigma and ensure all young people get access to the right support at the right time.

Jenny Phillimore, Director of the Institute for Research into Superdiversity
I care about families fleeing war and violence because I think everyone should have the opportunity to lead a safe, happy and healthy life.

Alice and Paul Byrne, Donors
We care about treating and preventing cancer and raise funds to research the treatment of bowel cancer. We think it’s important that no one else has to go through what we went through when we lost our beautiful Laura to bowel cancer.

Rob MacKenzie, Director of BIFoR and Professor of Atmospheric Science
I am fascinated by the way all the pieces of the Earth knit together to form a precisely balanced system. The more I learn about that balance, the more I care about protecting our planet. I’m humbled by how well our planet cares for us.

Eleanor, Assistant Outreach Officer at the University of Birmingham
I care about everyone getting an education as I’ve seen first-hand the change and the impact it has on individuals’ lives.

Elizabeth Southall (LLB Law, 1987)
I care about young people’s mental health because without being motivated, encouraged or supported it’s difficult for young people to achieve their potential.

Maria Sharif (BMedSc 2016; MRes Cancer Sciences, 2018) and PhD student in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
I care about treating and preventing cancer because by working in such a fascinating research field I am contributing to millions of people’s lives.

Heather Owen, (BA International Relations, 2013; MRes Gender Studies, 2019) and Research Officer
I care about families fleeing war and violence because 10 years ago I volunteered on the Global Exchange Programme and went to Syria. During this time I got to know a lot of people there and since then a lot of their lives have been turned upside down by war, conflict and migration.

Amy Firkin (BSc Money, Banking and Finance, 2019)
I care about taking action because without action there would never be any positive change in the world.

Pav Kahlon, Final Year Economics Student
I care about everyone getting an education because without my scholarship I wouldn’t have the platform I have today to build my skill set. It is really opening doors for me to gain good skills to be in a great position when I join the graduate market.